Sunday, April 15, 2012

First post!

So this is my first post in the class assigned blog where we find pictures from a specific design movement. I have chosen to do the American Kitsch period. Lets start the countdown!
11. When we started discussing  American Kitsch the first thing that came to my mind was my favorite cartoon from childhood. The Ren and Stimpy show. This show includes many of the main characteristics of Kitsch; sunbursts, bright colors, charactures, vulgarity, kidney shapes, the list just goes on and on.
10. Another picture from Ren and Stimpy to further illustrate its Kitschy nature. Note the shapes of the electronics using the kidney like, very Kitschy design. Also note the bright colors and the inclusion of space, something that Kitsch often seemed to be fascinated with.
9. Here is a picture done by Frank Frazetta. Frazetta took gritty medieval scenes and brought them into the Kitsch era, using bright colors, starbursts, exaggerated poses and again the inclusion of the space obsession.

8. Another Frank Frezetta that I had to include. This is a picture from his book John Carter of Mars. John Carter of Mars was recently made into a movie staring a man named... believe it or not, Taylor Kitsch. Again not the overly dramatic poses, the space inclusion.

7. Here is a picture from the Jetsons. I Had to include this picture because it truly doesn't get more Kitsch than this. We have the starbursts on the floor and ceiling, the kidney shapes, the bright colors, the space obsession, the whole shabang really.

6. These are some utensils currently sold at target. I think they meet the criteria of Kitsch because of their bright colors, the shapes having rounded edges and the starburst pattern.

5. This is a picture of Red Robin, a modern day restaurant that tries to harken back to the hay day of burger joints by decorating in Kitsch. Here we have the bright colors, rounded geometry/ kidney type shapes, and diner aesthetic.

4. This is a modern phone made in the Kitsch style, using a bright almost pastel orange, and the rounded geometry.

3. This is just a picture of some interior design in the Kitsch fashion, using bright colors, rounded shapes, and what appear to be starbursts.

2. This is a picture of a retro McDonalds, employing Kitsch design by emulating a 50s diner. Complete with bright colors, and strange geometry.

1. Here is wonder woman, possibly the most Kitsch superhero I have heard of, wearing her bright colors and stars

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